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Plantar fasciitis as an indication of painful walking

Plantar fasciitis, or inflammation of the tendons, can not only make it uncomfortable to walk but also affect your day-to-day life. If that’s the case, then more than ever you will appreciate just how important your heel is for the body to function normally. What is plantar fasciitis? What are its causes and how is it prevented? This article discusses all of these issues.
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Hallux comes in different forms. What forms exist and how can they be prevented?

Hallux valgus, varus, rigidus. It sounds like a spell from Harry Potter, but most of us know that they are complications which affect the big toes. You might hear that you have a hallux. However, we all have this, because hallux is the Latin word for toe. What is important is the second part of the name, which indicates the type of deformity of the big toe we are talking about. Let’s look at hallux valgus, varus and rigidus and explain the difference between them and how to successfully fight medical complications such as these.
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Jak řešit propadlou nožní klenbu

Chůze je jednou z nejdůležitějších aktivit pro zdravé lidské tělo. Jenže i tu vám může silně znepříjemnit propadající se nožní klenba. Nejdřív vás ani nebudou bolet nohy, později budete rádi, když se na své nohy vůbec postavíte. Jak tomu zabránit a udržet své nohy zdravé? 
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4 tips for hammer toes guaranteed to help you

4 tips for hammer toes guaranteed to help you

Do you suffer from hammer toes or would you like to prevent them from forming? This initially trivial problem can develop into long-term complications that can make your life very uncomfortable. But we don't want that. Let's take a look at four tips that are guaranteed to help you cure your hammer toes and keep your feet healthy.
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Exercises for bunions that will help you

Exercises for bunions that will help you

Bunions, or hallux valgus, is a problem that affects the entire sole of the foot and is most often associated with fallen transverse arches. At the same time, this deformity is accompanied by contracted muscles in the sole, shortened abductor hallucis, and blockages of the toe and minor foot joints. In the paragraphs below you will learn how to help your feet while persuading your big toe to return to its original position.
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Trápí vás hallux valgus? Předejděte operaci

Jistě jste se setkali s pojmem hallux valgus a s ním spojené riziko operace. Ne vždy však musí nutně dojít k operaci. A když ano, neznamená to, že po operaci máte automaticky vyhráno. Vbočený palec na noze, jak se tento zdravotní problém nazývá v češtině, trápí mnoho lidí všech věkových kategorií, zejména pak dospělé od 40. do 60. roku. Co přesně hallux valgus znamená a jak předejdete nejhoršímu?
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Pain in your instep could be caused by Morton’s neuroma

Pain in your instep could be caused by Morton’s neuroma

A name that perhaps means nothing to some people, but a very unpleasant problem for others. Morton’s neuroma, or metatarsalgia, basically means pain in the forefoot, i.e., the front part of the foot around the instep, most commonly between the 3rd and 4th toes. However, behind the initial pain lies a diagnosis that may eventually require surgery if we keep putting off conservative treatment.
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Do you wear high heels? Watch out for hammer toes!

Do you wear high heels? Watch out for hammer toes!

Hammer toes are considered a static deformity of the forefoot. This is a defect most often caused by two factors: mechanical irritation in the shoe and muscle imbalance between groups of muscles, namely toe flexors and extensors. Typically, the condition involves a combination of both.
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How to get rid of heel spurs

How to get rid of heel spurs

A heel spur or calcar calcanei is a diagnosis with a name that can be somewhat misleading. The spur itself, i.e., a bony outgrowth from the bottom of the heel, only arises due to pathological processes that take place in the foot. So, let's look at it from the beginning.
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    • The Original Foot Alignment Socks are made of soft cotton and polyester blend. They are lose fitted crew sock...
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