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Heel spur

Heel spur

A heel spur is a bony outgrowth from the bottom of the heel, which arises as a result of overloading the plantar fascia (ligamentous tissue). Inflammation and swelling first occur at the point of attachment to the heel. Subsequently, calcium salts begin to be deposited here, which result in a heel spur.

Causes of heel spur

Heel spurs are caused by overloading the feet. This can happen for several reasons,  such as excessive load, being overweight, inappropriate footwear or walking barefoot on flat surfaces (paving, etc.).

Signs of heel spur

Heel spurs do not appear overnight. They are caused by long-term overloading of the heel bone attachment. This is generally accompanied by pain. At first you may feel an unpleasant shooting pain in the heel, later the pain may not allow you to walk normally. The pain may spread to your entire foot, including the Achilles tendon. You can see the actual growths on the heel with the naked eye.

How to treat heel spur 

The most important thing is to address the cause of the overloaded attachments. Only then should you focus on the growths themselves, if they bother you. Exercise, rest and suitable footwear can lessen the load on your feet. Shockwave therapy works relatively reliably on growths. But it all depends on the stage of your problem.

Articles about Heel spur

Foot Alignment Socks assist with heel spur syndrome says Physiotherapist

Foot Alignment Socks assist with heel spur syndrome says Physiotherapist

Heel spur syndrome is one of the most frequent complications found in the lower limbs. Many people over 40 suffer from the condition, but younger generations are no exception. The cause is poor body posture, inappropriate footwear and other poor habits. How can heel spur syndrome be prevented without surgery? Physiotherapist Marcela Ehlová, DiS, spoke to us about this and related matters.
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Proper walking technique

Proper walking technique

Undoubtedly one of the most common physical activities in a weight-loss plan is running. But you make the start even easier by doing the most common thing you do in your life - walking. However, the right walking technique is important, and not just if you want to lose weight or improve your physical fitness. Poor technique can lead to serious problems. Here’s how to give them a wide berth.
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How to get rid of heel spurs

How to get rid of heel spurs

A heel spur or calcar calcanei is a diagnosis with a name that can be somewhat misleading. The spur itself, i.e., a bony outgrowth from the bottom of the heel, only arises due to pathological processes that take place in the foot. So, let's look at it from the beginning.
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