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Hallux valgus

Hallux valgus

A bunion or hallux valgus is a deformity caused by a drop in the lateral and longitudinal arch of the foot.

The big toe turns towards the other toes, and the big toe joint protrudes and swells. The big toe rotates and deviates into the instep bone. It most often appears in a person’s forties.

Causes of bunions 

A bunion may have a congenital cause, such as the length of the first instep bone, hypermobility or deficient ligaments, or an external cause, such as wearing inappropriate shoes, especially if the tip of the shoe is too narrow and presses on the toes too much. Poor gait or exposure to long-term static loads may also be a cause.

Signs of a bunion

Your big toe starts to twist towards the other toes, your shoes don’t fit, and you feel discomfort and pain.
Another sign is restricted use of the big toe or even the whole foot. Complications are consequently transferred to other parts of the body, such as the knees, hips and spine.

How to treat a bunion

Conservative treatment is one of the most common methods for treating a bunion. It mainly involves physiotherapy, i.e. actively exercising the toe. You can also do exercises for a bunion at home.

There are also several other ways to support active foot exercises, e.g., functional orthotics, kinesio tape, passive correctors, hydrotherapy, soft tissue release, etc. Another excellent way to help treat bunions is to wear Foot Alignmnet Socks. This aid significantly increases blood flow in the feet and thus relaxes the structures and relieve pain in bunion.

However, don’t forget to eliminate the main cause of the problem or even complications in other parts of the body that have occurred as a result of “chaining”. For advanced deformities, surgery and physiotherapy are unavoidable. Even in these cases, removing the cause in order to prevent recurrence is necessary.

Articles about bunions

Foot alignment socks in practice: How they helped Zuzana T. and others

Foot alignment socks in practice: How they helped Zuzana T. and others

We are pleased to see that our foot alignment socks really help our customers. From time to time, some share their experiences with us, for example, in Facebook reviews. Other satisfied customers write to us directly, like physical therapist Tatiana Bošková, who shared the experience of one of her patients, Zuzana T. Take a look at some of the other stories from our customers.
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Hallux comes in different forms. What forms exist and how can they be prevented?

Hallux comes in different forms. What forms exist and how can they be prevented?

Hallux valgus, varus, rigidus. It sounds like a spell from Harry Potter, but most of us know that they are complications which affect the big toes. You might hear that you have a hallux. However, we all have this, because hallux is the Latin word for toe. What is important is the second part of the name, which indicates the type of deformity of the big toe we are talking about. Let’s look at hallux valgus, varus and rigidus and explain the difference between them and how to successfully fight medical complications such as these.
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Exercises for bunions that will help you

Exercises for bunions that will help you

Bunions, or hallux valgus, is a problem that affects the entire sole of the foot and is most often associated with fallen transverse arches. At the same time, this deformity is accompanied by contracted muscles in the sole, shortened abductor hallucis, and blockages of the toe and minor foot joints. In the paragraphs below you will learn how to help your feet while persuading your big toe to return to its original position.
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Trápí vás hallux valgus? Předejděte operaci

Trápí vás hallux valgus? Předejděte operaci

Jistě jste se setkali s pojmem hallux valgus a s ním spojené riziko operace. Ne vždy však musí nutně dojít k operaci. A když ano, neznamená to, že po operaci máte automaticky vyhráno. Vbočený palec na noze, jak se tento zdravotní problém nazývá v češtině, trápí mnoho lidí všech věkových kategorií, zejména pak dospělé od 40. do 60. roku. Co přesně hallux valgus znamená a jak předejdete nejhoršímu?
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