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Flat foot

Flat feet

Flat feet is a deformity that arises as a result of the collapse of the transverse or longitudinal arch of the foot. Most often, however, it is a combined deformity of both arches. 

This deformity affects not only the bones, but also the muscles and ligaments in the feet. It most often affects women due to wearing heels, but men and children are also susceptible.

Causes of flat feet

Flat feet are mainly caused by wearing inappropriate footwear, especially overloading the soles of the feet.  Other causes of flat feet include poor posture, obesity, hypermobility and congenital causes.

Signs of flat feet

Flat feet can be divided into several stages. In the first stage, due to a falling transverse arch, the heel assumes a valgus position. This means it is tilted backwards. In this case, it is necessary to intervene and perform exercises to get the heel back in its proper position.

The next stage of flat feet may be accompanied by pain, tingling, swelling and a feeling of heavy feet. In the final stage, there is general stiffness of the muscles, arthrosis of the joints, bruises on the soles, and possibly even back pain because of incorrect foot alignment. Flat feet can also cause other deformities such as bunions or hammer toes.

How to treat flat feet

Flat feet are diagnosed based on footprints on a podoscope.  Treatment is then determined depending on the stage of deformity. This may involve
through exercises, walking on uneven surfaces, and the like. To eliminate problems, it is necessary to focus mainly on their cause. 

Articles about Flat foot

Metatarsalgia can make every step uncomfortable

Metatarsalgia can make every step uncomfortable

In the beginning, there is sporadic pain in the ball of the foot under the toes, extending to the instep. This can turn into a chronic problem, especially if the patient fails to treat the ailment in time. Thus, sooner or later, metatarsalgia can make every step uncomfortable. So, what are its causes and how can it be treated? We will answer these questions in the following lines.
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Knock knees may cause flat feet

Knock knees may cause flat feet

On our blog you may have read articles about flat feet (What can i do about my flat feet? and How to deal with fallen arches). However, flat feet are an ailment that is caused by several different factors. Among them, for example, are poor footwear, overloading the legs or poor posture. Knock knees are another factor. What causes this and how can this problem be resolved?
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Jak řešit propadlou nožní klenbu

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Pain in your instep could be caused by Morton’s neuroma

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