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Foot deformities

Foot deformities

Foot deformities, sometimes called orthopaedic defects, are a condition where the foot or some of its parts are in a different position than normal. These are usually congenital and acquired deformities and most often occur due to causes in the external environment or neurological problems.

Some of the most common foot problems are:

  • bunions

  • hammertoes

  • crooked toes

  • frequent toe cramps

  • tired feet

  • swollen feet

  • heel spur

  • corns

  • flat foot

  • plantar fascitis

You can prevent deformities caused by external influences by taking proper and regular care of your feet. For developed deformities, accurate diagnosis from an attending physician and prescribed treatment are necessary. This might take the form of physiotherapy and exercise, anti-inflammatory drugs, or in extreme cases, surgery.

The most important factor in treating deformities is eliminating the cause of the problem. Although a flat foot can be treated, its cause may be due to poor posture or excessive stress on the feet, for example. Treating the symptoms alone may lead to relapse.

The most common deformities, their treatment and prevention

  • Hallux ValgusHallux Valgus
  • Flat footFlat foot
  • HammertoesHammertoes
  • Heel spurHeel spur

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