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Hammer toes

Hammer toes are a deformity that appears due to a disruption in the balance of the muscles in the foot.  We may also call them curled toes. Toes gradually bend and at later stages cannot be straightened. Painful sores may appear on the first joint. Hammer toes are more common in older people, most often in the second toe.

Causes of hammer toes

The main cause of hammer toes is wearing inappropriate footwear, especially high heels and tight shoes without enough room in the toe. Other factors include poor posture, overloading of the feet, as well as congenital causes. 

Signs of hammer toes

Hammer toes are the result of a collapsing arch of the foot, weakening of the muscles and gradual degeneration of the ligaments. The foot lengthens slightly, the ligaments and tendons shorten and the toes are pulled back. From above, it looks like you are missing the last joint of your toe because it is resting on the floor. Your toes will press against your shoes and painful pressure sores may appear.

How to treat hammer toes 

The most important thing is prevention, i.e., wearing appropriate footwear, not overloading the feet, correct posture and gait, sufficient regeneration and care for the feet. In the early stages of the deformity, eliminating the causes of the problem and regular exercise with a physical therapist can help. In later stages, surgery may be unavoidable.

Articles about Hammertoes

4 tips for hammer toes guaranteed to help you

4 tips for hammer toes guaranteed to help you

Do you suffer from hammer toes or would you like to prevent them from forming? This initially trivial problem can develop into long-term complications that can make your life very uncomfortable. But we don't want that. Let's take a look at four tips that are guaranteed to help you cure your hammer toes and keep your feet healthy.
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Tragen Sie hohe Absätze? Dann geben Sie Acht auf Hammerzehen!

Do you wear high heels? Watch out for hammer toes!

Hammer toes are considered a static deformity of the forefoot. This is a defect most often caused by two factors: mechanical irritation in the shoe and muscle imbalance between groups of muscles, namely toe flexors and extensors. Typically, the condition involves a combination of both.
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