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GUIDE: How to choose the correct size of Foot Alignment Socks

  • Added: 30.08.2018   |   36818 readings / views

We currently offer Foot Alignment Socks as prevention and assistance for swollen feet, bunions, hammer toes and other deformities, in basic sizes.  We are often asked what size should be selected if foot size is somewhere in between the sock sizes offered. We have prepared a guide for you, including specific advice about how to choose your socks in this case.

Six sizes, many colours

Which sizes of Foot Alignment Socks are available? We currently offer them in sizes XS, XXS, S, M, L and now also XL. Why letters when shoe and sock sizes are usually numbered? Because one size of Foot Alignment Socks covers a range of classic sizes. This is mainly because the socks do not have a covered toe. The length of the foot is not the only key indicator; other criteria are also important, such as the overall structure of the foot, the size of the gaps between the toes, the height of the metatarsals, and whether the soles are large or small. You can find many different colours in our range - light grey, multicoloured, green, dark grey, blue, pink, red, white, blue-orange and purple. And now also navy blue in the EXTRA STRETCH variant for swollen legs.

Sizes XXS and XS are suitable for kids with sizes 27-30 and 31-34, S covers sizes up to 38, M covers 39 to 42, L from 43 to 46 and XL is from 47 up. Each of our sizes therefore covers four or five standard foot sizes. This brings us to the main question: which size should you select if your foot size is between sizes? If you have size 38 feet, you may buy size 38 shoes on one occasion, then 39 or 38.5 on another. What should you choose in the case of Foot Alignment Socks?

How to select the correct size

Foot Alignment Socks are produced in a slightly larger size than ordinary socks. First determine what size feet you have. You can find this out from your shoes or simply measure your feet from the heel to the toe. If your foot size falls in between S, M or L range, then your choice is easy and selection is simple.

If your foot size is somewhere at the end of a range, for example, 38–39, 42–43 or 46–47, you will have to consider other circumstances. Decide whether the sole of your is large or small, and also focus on its width. Last but not least, compare the height of your metatarsals.

If the soles of your feet and the parts we described are larger, choose the larger size. Otherwise, we recommend selecting the smaller size. If you have very wide feet, suffer from swelling or are bothered by rubber bands on your socks, choose the option with a wide cuff - EXTRA STRETCH. If you order a different size than you need by mistake, we will we happy to exchange any unworn socks.

What to consider when selecting Foot Alignment Socks

If you are buying socks for somebody as a gift, it is important to correctly determine not only their foot size but also the other criteria we mentioned above. You will save unnecessary worries in exchanging the goods.

Also be careful of imitations which could damage your feet. You can recognise the original Foot Alignment Socks by the embroidered feet on the metatarsals; when the socks are worn, the feet are angled towards you.

Selecting the correct size of the Foot Alignment Socks is easy. We leave selecting the right colour up to you. Select them in our online shop.

If you still cannot make up your mind up, either leave a comment below the article, write to us in the chat window (in the lower right corner), send us an email, or get in touch on Facebook. We are happy to help!

  • JV
    Jiřina ValešováRespond
    Added 25. may, 01:03 from 212.79.110.***
    Dobrý den. Prosím bylo by možné dodat vaše zajímavé ponožky i v dětské velikosti? Mám handicapovaného syna a myslím, že by to byla velmi prospěšná terapeutická pomůcka. Jde o dětskou vel. 30. Mnohokrát děkuji za odpověď. Krásný den. Valešová

  • Pn
    Added 27. may, 20:23 from 109.235.1.***
    Dobrý den, paní Valešová, děkujeme za Váš dotaz. Dětské velikosti máme v plánu zařadit v průběhu tohoto roku a mají být koncipované právě pro děti s diagnózou DMO. Máme docela zajímavé zkušenosti u dospělých s DMO či roztroušenou sklerózou, kde převládá spastický vzorec na dolní končetině. Sledujte naše stránky.

  • SJ
    Simona JelínkováRespond
    Added 16. july, 13:11 from 88.100.30.***
    Dobrý den, chtěla jsem se zeptat, zda si můžu u vás objednat ponožky velikosti S. Mám drobnou nohu velikosti č.35. Nebo mám raději počkat, až budete mít i dětské velikosti? Děkuji za odpověď, s pozdravem Jelínková

  • 1 answer

  • AK
    Andrea KocRespond
    Added 15. August, 19:50 from 94.229.82.***
    Zdravím chci se zeptat, zda by byly vhodné ponožky vel S, pro dceru 8let, má vyšší nárt a nožku větší vel 35-36. Děkuji za odpověď Andrea

  • Zu
    Added 03. october, 21:12 from 178.209.139.***
    Dobrý den, mám problém , dost mi otékají nohy, kupuji si kvůli tomu i boty o číslo větší, navíc mám dost zdravotních potíží nohou, prosím jakou velikost vybrat když mám nohu 40 ale obvod nohy večer 27-28

  • 1 answer

  • TK
    Tereza KučerováRespond
    Added 22. january, 19:36 from 46.135.97.***
    Dobrý den, ráda bych zakoupila kojenecké adjustační ponožky. Máte v plánu jejich výrobu? Děkuji Kučerová

  • 1 answer

  • Romana ŠmejkalováRespond
    Added 31. january, 10:03 from 88.103.188.***
    Prosim o pomoc s vyběrem velikosti ponožek. Boty mám některé 39, některé 40, nárt mám nízký, nohy neotékají.Počínající vbočené palce. Děkuji

  • Pn
    Added 31. january, 10:16 registered user
    Dobrý den, Romano, pro velikost nohy 39/40 je vhodná velikost M.
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