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GUIDE: How to save money buying Foot Alignment Socks

  • Added: 07.11.2018   |   78068 readings / views

Under our posts on social media, some people complain that the Foot Alignment Socks are too expensive, that the price does not seem reasonable to them. But how would you calculate the value of your health? In this case, the value of healthy feet? EUR 22.95, which is the price of the socks, is just enough to cover dinner at a restaurant for two, which is something some people enjoy several times a month. Is it true that same people genuinely cannot afford to buy Foot Alignment Socks for this price? In our opinion, it is just about priorities. Despite this, we have decided to provide you with a guide on how to buy Foot Alignment Socks more cheaply than the standard price.

Why is the price what it is?

First of all, it is necessary to consider the fact that the price of the socks is set by the manufacturer. We do not produce the Foot Alignment Socks, we are their exclusive importer for the whole of Europe. You can also buy them in places other than our e-shop, for example at our partners’ e-shops, in brick-and-mortar stores, some pharmacies and clinics, at pedicure salons and elsewhere - you can find some of them here. However, they are offered for the same or a very similar price anywhere, because all the retail points are our distributors.

Did you know that…

The Original Foot Alignment Socks were invented in the USA in 2008 by Eva Nemčík-Jelínek,
who emigrated in 1968 with her family from Czechoslovakia to Canada and later moved to the
USA. Even as a pensioner she was very active in a lot of sports, butfoot pain started to be a
problem more and more. She therefore looked for a solution which would eliminate the pain.
She discovered that most of the problems were caused by the frequent deviation of the toes
from their natural positions. The results of her attempts are the unique Foot Alignment Socks,
which separate, stretch and straighten the toes into their correct positions.

This is a patented technology, Original U.S. patent 7784115B1. This means that during production, the strictest standards in production and materials used are applied. The separators between the toes are produced by hand, and production is strictly controlled. To achieve maximum effect, it is very important to manufacture them with the correct length and width. All this and much more has to be reflected in the price, it is simply a fact.

You can obviously find cheap substitutes on the internet. In our market research, we ordered some of them ourselves to find out what they are like. Our assumptions were essentially confirmed that the cheap imitations do not have anything in common with original Foot Alignment Socks except for their appearance. The separators used in imitations do not meet the correct criteria at all, so wearing these socks can lead to medical complications. However, we can write about this another time.

They genuinely work

Many people swear by our Foot Alignment Socks. Not because of their cheerful colours or the funny foot logo on the socks, simply because they really do help people.
If you are bothered by foot pain after standing on your feet all day, cramps, swollen feet or medical complications such as hammer toes, bunions, fallen arches and many other problems, wearing the socks regularly will genuinely relieve you of pain, improve blood flow to your feet, and in combination with conventional treatment and rehabilitation, complications could disappear completely. Read what our customers have to say! 

How to get Foot Alignment Socks more cheaply

Despite their expense, there are ways to get Foot Alignment Socks more cheaply than the full price of EUR 22.95. We would like to share this with you now.

The easest way to obtain a discount is the Sphere card. If you hold this card, you can get a discount code at the website www.sphere.cz. Enter the code when you order and the number of your valid Sphere card in the notes. As soon as you verify your card’s validity, you get a 20% discount.

This, however, is not the only way. The more active of you can get another discount. You can find a discount code on our website, so pay attention while you browse our pages. Enter the discount code when you order and the discount will be deducted from the total price.

The final option is for our customers who have already bought a pair and would like to purchase another. Carefully check the contents of your invoice. This is because some invoices can contain a bonus discount on your next purchase. You can either claim the bonus yourself or give it to someone else. It depends on you.

But try not to forget that discounts cannot be added together. Always think which discount is the best for you.

But what about for free?

In some cases, you can also get the Foot Alignment Socks from us free. We sometimes arrange competitions on our website or on social networks. Absolutely anybody can win! All you need to do is do a simple task and wait to see whether we draw you as the winner. At least one of these competitions will be held this year, so do not forgot to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

A new feature on our website is a wishlist where you can add Foot Alignment Socks. You can then easily share your wishlist with people you know as a tip for a gift on your birthday or for Christmas.

As you can see, there are many ways to get Foot Alignment Socks more cheaply than the full price. In any case, even if you did not get any discount and bought them at full price, remember you are buying them primarily for the health of your feet. And health is one of the most important things we have.

  • Mi
    Milada GregorováRespond
    Added 07. december, 18:43 from 109.80.195.***
    Škoda že jsem se o nich dozvěděla tak pozdě a vlastně náhodou,možná by to chtělo trochu víc reklamy..Vlastním,používám a chválím. M.Gregorová

  • EP
    Eva PánkováRespond
    Added 19. february, 11:24 from 89.177.8.***
    Nemám na rozhazování, ale stálo mi za to si je koupit a nelituju.

  • LC
    Ladislav ChalupaRespond
    Added 26. september, 10:01 from 78.45.247.***
    Mám je asi 10 dní a zatím chválím.

  • JM
    Jana MájováRespond
    Added 15. january, 09:01 from 194.228.59.***
    Na adjustační ponožky nedám dopustit. Koupila jsem je sobě, svým blízkým a kamarádkám. Všichni jsme maximálně spokojeni. Někoho možná odradí cena, ale nejsou to ponožky na běžné nošení, ale na relax. Často mě chytaly křeče do prstů, ale po jejich pravidelném nošení se vše zlepšilo.

  • HS
    Helena SoukupováRespond
    Added 09. january, 22:20 from 80.92.242.***
    Včera sem dostala od kamarádky Adjustační ponožky, která si je moc schválily. Zkusila přes den a zkusila přes noc, zatím jsem velmi spokojená. Mám křivé prsty a prakticky chodím po třech prstech. 31.12. jsme šly spolu na výlet, ušlo jsme 18 km. Vše bylo ok, ale po návratu jsem měla bolesti, které sice do druhého dne skoro ustaly, Po zapůjčení jsem se rozhodla si je zakoupit. Doporučuji

  • He
    Helena Respond
    Added 25. july, 11:48 from 91.221.149.***
    Dobrý den, já jsem po CHEMOTE. necitlivé chodidla a páli mě. Natáhla jsem ponožky a po dvou nocích, asi se prsty více prokrvují a je cítit úleva….A to je pravda! Hezký den….

  • Šá
    Added 16. december, 15:57 from 89.24.145.***
    Za tu cenu to stojí. Jsem fyzio a doporučuji tyto ponožky a opravdu zlepšení funkčnosti chodidla, uvolnění plosky a nártu a bolestivost nohou není. Nejlepší to je ještě spojit se správným cvičením.

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