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Foot Alignment Socks through the eyes of a physiotherapist

  • Added: 31.01.2018   |   14083 readings / views

I’m a physiotherapist, and my work involves spending a lot of time dealing with feet, mostly with children, but also with adult patients. Feet and their incredible effect on the whole body fascinate me, and I enjoy looking for ways to help them work.

I recently encountered Foot Alignment Socks and decided to try them myself and also offer them to my clients. When I relax with the socks in the evening, I sense every muscle, every ligament, the whole structure in my feet. I become relaxed and the blood flow to my toes, metatarsals and ankles increases. At the start, I could only last about eight minutes in the socks, but I gradually extended the time and now I try to use the socks every other day for about 30 minutes. In the last few years, I have had unpleasant feelings in my metatarsals linked to stress in muscles and blockages in small joints. After wearing Foot Alignment Socks, I can see a marked improvement and lower frequency in the occurrence of these cramps.

Foot Alignment Socks are very popular with my clients. They buy them partly for preventive reasons and partly to support therapy, such as after surgery to correct toe deformities or during exercise to deal with flat feet, or during moments of pain, etc.

I see a huge benefit of the socks in helping compensate incorrect positioning of the feet and toes in inappropriate footwear. In many professions, wearing solid, hard, rigid or often heavy work footwear is required, or some women may choose to wear in their work dress code. I support the option of wearing barefoot footwear and walking barefoot if other factors permit it, such as walking gait or body posture, etc. The biggest problem I see is tight footwear and the restriction in movement and blood flow caused by working in such shoes. Foot Alignment Socks are a great way to compensate for the adverse effect of bad shoes on our feet and how our entire bodies move.

I often encounter foot defects such as hammer toes or bunions. If surgery is performed on these defects, the feet need quality exercises with targeted physiotherapy. It is obviously important to exercise in cases which need surgery. Regardless, Foot Alignment Socks are a suitable supplement to overall therapy, not just for relief and to reduce unpleasant pain. They are also a great help in correcting reflex changes in soft tissue, such as muscles and ligaments, which frequently accompany the conditions experienced with these defects.

The Original Foot Alignment Socks have many benefits and I am confident that everyone will like them. They are certainly worth it!"

Bc. Lenka Tichá
RC Mozaika Lovosice

  • Mi
    Added 04. february, 07:10 from 89.176.57.***
    Ponožky jsem koupila sobě, dceři a mamince. Já je používám denně doma místo bačkor. Od prvního dne jsem s tím neměla vůbec žádné problémy. Mám je i v noci a jsem spokojená. Dcera si je obléká jen na chvilku denně a mojí mamince jsou nepříjemné a zebou ji prsty.

  • Ka
    Added 02. march, 14:36 from 95.85.195.***
    Tyto ponožky jsou naprosto skvělé! Také jsem je začala nosit každý den. Fakt se skvěle nosí.

  • Ji
    Added 19. march, 18:00 from 62.201.29.***
    Ponožky se mi líbí a asi by mi pomohly. Mám kladívkové prsty.

  • MV
    Marta VojtekováRespond
    Added 26. may, 17:33 from 91.139.111.***
    mam artrozu a bolí mne nohy...pomužou ponožky?

  • 1 answer

  • MV
    Marta VojtekováRespond
    Added 31. may, 18:16 from 91.139.111.***
    Moc Vám děkuji za odpověd

  • Zu
    Added 07. january, 20:36 from 185.219.166.***
    Dobrý den, pomohou ponožky na zhroucenou klenbu a ploché nohy? Dekuji

  • 1 answer

  • AJ
    Alena JurkováRespond
    Added 14. october, 17:45 from 213.194.207.***
    Dobrý den, prosím pěkně chtěla bych se zeptat zda-li by mi adjustační ponožky pomohly od oteklých a úplně palících plosek nohou? Stojím totiž 12hodin v prací u stroje a za témeř celou směnu kromě pauzy dělám pouze příkrok na pravo či levo. Jakmile dojdu domů palí mě celé plosky nohou a mám oteklé celé nohy tak, že se pomalu nemohu převléci do svych rovných džínů, které mám před směnou volné. Děkuji za případnou odpověď.

  • 1 answer

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